Thursday, November 15, 2018

Unequally Yoked

"Do not be unequally yoked together with with unbelievers.For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?"
from 2 Corinthians,chapter 6,verse14).

Recently the above quote was used by someone in reference to a Christian marrying a non-Christian.Few would disagree with the wisdom of heeding this advice.I think we can all see the potential for conflict when a Christian seeks to pursue a relationship with someone who doesn't hold to the same interests,values and beliefs.
First Corinthians has other references to Christians keeping separate from those who walk contrary to God.
The admonition about being unequally yoked does not only pertain to couples.It also applies to the people we choose to have as our friends,business partners or any other relationships that could be described as close.I would quickly add that this doesn't mean we are to avoid people who aren't Christian,on the contrary,we are to be living examples of the love of Jesus,willing to listen,help and counsel anyone as the opportunity presents.However,in His love for us and knowing our human nature,Our Lord recognizes the potential problems and conflicts that arise when Christians have sustained close relationships with unbelievers.The Bible has much to say on the subject of keeping separate as well as how He regards a professed believer being "of the world."
Jesus said we are to be in the world but not of this world.We would all be wise to study and understand what this entails.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wake Up People!

An inquiring mind wants to know:
 Have you been paying attention to what is going on in this country? The world? Or are you too preoccupied with making money,being entertained,or altering your consciousness via booze and drugs? Do you have an unhealthy preoccupation with sports and your personal health? Now, I recognize that most of the activities I just mentioned are not necessarily wrong or "evil", but, to make them the focal point of your life is a huge mistake. Why? Because there are events going on in this country and around the world that will impact you, sooner, rather than later. It is my hope that with this article I'll help to make you aware and informed as to what is going on. The information I provide is not inaccessible but there is a great chance you will not find it on your cable or network news shows. I ask those of you who are religious skeptics to put aside your preconceived views on "religion" and keep an open mind. Never confuse what has been said or done in the name of "religion" to effect the facts that will be presented here. This is not some faith, religious group or denomination selling you their slant on current events. I only ask you to consider the fact that you have been indoctrinated and educated by your schools, colleges, universities and the media to view things a certain way. I want to help you see the truth of what is going on around you, and ultimately, become an independent thinker.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Inspired By The Book Of Ecclesiastes: If This Was Your Last Year On Earth

If this was your last year on earth,how important would it be to:
Get that new car,

Buy a bigger house,
Take that exotic vacation,
Sacrifice for that high paying job?
If this was your last year on earth,would you still:
Worry about every little thing,
Ignore the beauty of God's creation,
Keep your relationship with Jesus on the back burner,
Hold that grudge against a certain relative,
Spend more time with your career than with your spouse?
Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one,in an instant it can all be gone.
If you say you would do things differently,
Then why aren't you living, like it's your last year on earth?

Hoty Holy Holy

For Sunday-- another incredible song of praise and worship by Keith Green. So appropriate for the day. Give it a listen, it will be a  blessing to you.
As I wrote previously--few have ever sang with the passion and conviction of Keith Geen.